The Festival Voice Code of Ethics Concerning Your Data
The Festival Voice (TFV) strives to provide our family of festival-goers with an experience that is unparalleled in today’s industry, and in order to do that we collect data via email, online, & social media surveys as well as our on-site booths. The data that we collect is used to improve the overall festival experience in a way that has never been done before. Being at the forefront of a very quickly evolving industry, we are obligated to set the standard for the entire Audience Engagement industry. Our actions now WILL affect the lives of future generations to come, and we want to make sure that we leave them with a world where they can live as happy and free as possible.
We believe in full transparency and are committed to protecting your basic human rights and the rights of all living beings. This ethical protection extends to any digital data that you share with us or that we collect at our on-site booth. TFV treats your personal data the same way that we would treat the data of our own children. We value you opinions and truly care about your privacy and take every step possible to ensure that all your responses are ANONYMOUS at all times. All of the data that we collect is encrypted and stored on secure servers and your personal information will NEVER be sold to anyone EVER under ANY circumstances. (You may still receive communications from TFV team from time to time about upcoming giveaways, promotions, surveys, and other relevant content)
None of TFV staff, TFV management, or any our partners will EVER have access to your individual survey responses. All we are able to see is if you have completed the survey or not for the purpose of our giveaways. Once the survey is completed, your answers are added to a bank of thousands of other of respondents and our software gives us a simplified report with graphs and percentages that we share with our partners. All open ended questions are presented to our teams as word clouds with the most used keywords being highlighted. While we are able to expand a keyword and see the open ended answers, we are not able to see who wrote them. We do these things to give you an extra layer of protection so you can be as honest and free with your answers as possible, without the fear of retaliation.
Our commitment is to making festivals a better and safer place to enjoy yourself, and in order to do this we partner with various companies including (but are not limited to) event production companies, event marketing teams, event venues, public relations companies, food & beverage vendors, merchandise vendors, sponsors, local & state authorities, and other event-related companies. Our mission at TFV is help improve the overall festival experience for YOU the average festival-goer, and we work with partners that care about your concerns just as much as we do. The information that we gather is used by festivals to help make their events more tailored to what you the festival-goer wants. The information is also shared with various companies to help bring in the beverage, food, and merchandise vendors that you want to see at your favorite festivals. TFV finally gives a voice to the people and gives the power back to YOU!!!