Fests to Require Vaccination Cards or Negative Test
There have been a few festivals that have required that people either provide proof of vaccination or take a COVID test prior to the festival. However, these requirements have been known in advance. But the Chicago Department of Public Health decided ONE DAY before Lolla that these were the requirements? Woah- hold up.
I still can’t believe they threw this out there a day before the festival? Little whack, in my opinion. I know there will be people against this policy and when it is given to people in advance, they can make the decision to skip out on the festival for the year. But to release this policy a day before? Woah.
I understand the concern but time is an issue. And this isn’t the first time that the government was like, “Well, here’s this change happening right now,” like when they canceled EDC at the last minute. And what if you test positive? You’re just out all that money? According to ABC Chicago, Lolla will provide a refund if you are in quarantine due to a positive test or test positive day of the festival.
However, if you just don’t like these rules, you’re out of luck!
The majority of people believe that you should be vaccinated or rapid tested at the gate according to the data we collected this spring. Head on back and check out those results if you need a refresher.
One downside is the cost to all of this is cost. The prices out of pocket for those rapids tests can be $100+. According to the doctor’s office in my town, most insurances will NOT cover the rapid tests if they are used for travel. Insurance will pay if you have symptoms. (I can verify this because my boyfriend happens to have all the COVID symptoms and he got tested yesterday, negative test result.)
For those of you going to Lolla (or any other festival!) have a great time, stay safe, and hydrated because it’s going to be a HOT one.