FlowVID-19 is Your Chance to Learn Flow Arts!
Who Loves to Flowvid?
I don’t know about you, but there is something magical about watching someone with poi, hoops, a Pixel-whip, or any other flow toys. I just get so immersed in the colors and lights. It’s pretty epic actually! I’ve always wanted to learn how to hula hoop and I do own a Pixelwhip, I just don’t practice enough! Here is your chance to learn flow arts with FlowVID-19!
What is FlowVID-19?
So FlowVID-19 is a chance to learn all the different flow arts taught by actual teachers. How cool is that? The stream will be hosted on Twitch from the company flowtoys. What is neat about this stream is that 100% of the proceeds go to the teachers, who are currently impacted by that nasty COVID-19. Many of us are out of work, but if you can contribute, the recommended donation is $5 per stream. See below for details.
Check out the schedule here! It’s going to be a good couple of days this weekend! Not only do you learn flow arts, they have cool things like fan making as well as body painting. What cool things you can learn? These are always things I’ve want to learn, plus you get to help others!
There will also be live performances by the teachers. These are going to be pretty neat to watch.
Finally, the flowtoys company is hosting a #whyiflow video contest. They want to know the reason that you learned to flow and what it means to you. You could win a $500 credit for their store!
Are you going to enter their contest? I personally don’t flow but I’d like to start! I have a hoop and a PixelWhip.. maybe it is time to start! I’ll have to check this out this weekend.
The Festival Voice received no compensation for this article or mention of flowtoys.
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