Hard Summer 2024 Festival Essentials Guide

Hard Summer 2024 is fast approaching, and with it comes the promise of epic performances, unforgettable experiences, and the sweltering heat typical of Los Angeles in August. To ensure you have the best time possible, here’s a comprehensive guide to all the essentials you’ll need to stay cool, hydrated, and comfortable throughout the festival.

Stay Hydrated

CamelBak or Hydration Pack

One of the best ways to stay hydrated during the festival is by bringing a CamelBak or any other hydration pack. These packs allow you to carry a significant amount of water without the hassle of holding bottles. Plus, they have extra pockets for essentials like your phone, wallet, and sunscreen.


Hydration Powders

Since Hard Summer can get hot, with temperatures often reaching the high 80s or higher, consider bringing hydration powders to add to your water. These can help replenish electrolytes lost through sweat and keep you feeling energized. Another option is to grab some Electrolit and drink some before!

Beat the Heat

Sun Protection

Protecting yourself from the sun is crucial. Here are some must-haves:

  • Sunscreen: Apply and reapply SPF 30 or higher throughout the day.
  • Hats and Bucket Hats: These can shield your face from the sun and can be decorated to match your festival outfit.
  • Parasols: Increasingly popular at summer festivals, parasols provide portable shade. Just be mindful of other attendees and avoid poking anyone’s eyes out.
  • Sunglasses: Protect your eyes from the sun’s harsh rays with a good pair of UV-blocking sunglasses.

Cooling Accessories

  • Fans and Misters: Personal fans and misting bottles can be lifesavers. Some brands like KritterKlips offer inventive holsters for easy access.
  • Clothing: Wear light, breathable fabrics. Consider moisture-wicking materials to stay cool and dry.

Comfortable Footwear

Comfy Shoes

You’ll be on your feet a lot, so comfortable shoes are a must. Sneakers with good support are ideal, and you might want to consider buying insoles for added comfort.


Insoles can make a huge difference when it comes to standing and walking for long periods. Look for gel or memory foam options for the best support.

Safety and Security

Anti-Theft Bags

With pickpocketing becoming more prominent at music festivals, having a secure bag is essential. Look for bags with locking mechanisms to keep your belongings safe. Crossbody bags and fanny packs are practical choices.

Packing List for Security

  • ID and Tickets: Don’t forget your festival pass and a valid ID.
  • Cash and Cards: Carry some cash along with your cards, but not too much.
  • Portable Charger: Keep your phone charged for photos and emergency calls.
  • Earplugs: Protect your hearing with quality earplugs.

Festival-Specific Tips

Venue Restrictions

Be aware that the festival has become stricter with its rules. Candy, treats, and various snacks are often not allowed, so plan accordingly.

Essentials for Girls

  • Extra Headbands and Hair Ties: For those moments when you need to put your hair up.
  • Compact Mirror: For quick touch-ups.
  • Lip Balm: With SPF to protect your lips from the sun.

Hand Sanitizer and Wet Wipes

Keep your hands clean and fresh, especially after using portable restrooms.


While the venue may restrict certain items, bringing non-perishable, sealed snacks like granola bars can keep your energy up between meals.

Ear Protection

Consider bringing earplugs to protect your hearing, especially if you plan to be close to the speakers.

Reusable Water Bottle

While a hydration pack is ideal, a reusable water bottle is a great alternative for staying hydrated. Many festivals have water refill stations.

Personal Comfort Items

  • Tissues or Toilet Paper: Festival restrooms can run out.
  • Mini First Aid Kit: Include band-aids, pain relievers, and any personal medications.

Final Reminder

Start booking your HARD Summer accommodations now before prices skyrocket! Whether you’re opting for a hotel, an Airbnb, or another lodging option, securing your spot early will save you money and stress. Don’t forget your tickets!

By following this guide, you’ll be well-prepared to enjoy Hard Summer 2024 to the fullest. Stay safe, stay hydrated, and have an incredible time!