Help! What Safety Precautions Are Needed?

The Festival Voice Needs Your Help! What Safety Precautions Are Needed At Festivals?

Help us out by checking out the survey HERE.
We all want festivals back. Not only are attendees ready to enjoy the live music, but people also need to get back to work ASAP! However, we’ve got to do that safely and The Festival Voice needs your help to make that happen! We are conducting a massive study and to maximize the results of the study, we are hosting a $1,000 cash giveaway to one lucky person who enters our survey! How awesome is that?
The survey itself is quick and easy clocking in at about 3 minutes. The questions will be different whether you are an industry professional or an attendee of festivals. However, they all go into the same ideas: What safety measures should large events and festivals implement before they return? We’ve got to be prepared for COVID-19 and every state has their own guidelines, which makes it hard to do! We want to know- what does the general public think should be implemented? 
Please take this survey and share your thinking! The more responses we get, the more data we have to share out with festival organizers and promoters with what you want out of your festival. It is available in over 40 languages. We would also appreciate you sharing the survey out on your social media and all your friends who love festivals as much as you. 
Check out the survey HERE. I’ve also attached the link like this so you can easily copy and paste it onto your social media pages!
The Festival Voice thanks you for your input and your help sharing this survey with the world! Together, we will bring festivals back but do so safely!