Look At All These Streams This Weekend!!!

Get Ready For The Streams

I know we all love these streams happening. Even though we can’t go to any shows, we can still enjoy the music. For me, I know these streams have been critical to my mental health. This pandemic is tough and I need some music and enjoyment in my life. Music is such a destresser in my life.

As always, these are NOT all the streams that are out there. You can check those out HERE. I love this page because they update it often and keep it up with individual artist streams. This article highlights some of the big ones that are happening this weekend!


Insomniac’s Middlelands

Middlelands is back! Every week, Insomniac has been transforming their lobby into a virtual festival. I would have to say the headliner is probably Disinfecto, for sure. Watch the stream and you’ll see Pasquale constantly praising him for cleaning up the area. I’m curious to see what Pasquale has up his sleeve for this one! My guess is he’ll be a valiant knight or king tending to our needs. 

Make sure you note that this fest has a NEW time!! Generally, these take place at night but this time- the fest happens from 4-10 PM PST! This is much earlier than it usually is, so be ready to party early!


The Dojo

Are you ready for THE DOJ??? During this time of staying safe at home, The Dojo enables guests from all over the world to be entertained while seeing and connecting with each other. It is an open canvas for all guests to share their talents. No matter the situation, nothing can stop us from connecting with each other. How epic is this??? I would say that the worst part about livestreams is the lack of interaction. Loving this idea! 
This Sat 4/25, THE DOJO’s 3rd installment in the virtual event series is hosting a special 4hr set by the legendary original resident DJ of Studio 54, Nicky Siano, live from New York. The event will also feature performances by aerialists live from Las Vegas, a Comedy Room with standup comedians live from Los Angeles, and a more relaxed room where guests can converse and watch the creation of live visual art. The Dojo experience starts with a quick comedic encounter with a bouncer before he lets everyone enter. The event is also raising money for the COVID-19 Sweet Relief fund. 
RSVP link here


Sadly, there is a lot of racism in our world. And the coronavirus is highlighting the discrimination against Asians. People have been downright cruel to Asians! EDMTunes is highlighting the many Asian artists in dance music by hosting JadeTopia Virtual Festival on Friday, April 24, starting at 4 PM EST. This great festival helps put a stop to racism as well as raising money for COVID-19 relief efforts. All profits go to Direct Relief. Don’t you love all the good our community is doing to help fight the coronavirus? Seriously, how much money have we made at this point???


JadeTopia features a musically and geographically diverse lineup, with Elephante (USA), Henry Fong (USA), DJ Soda (South Korea), and Tokyo Machine (Japan). Artists include Angger Dimas (Indonesia), BEAUZ (USA), DRUU (USA), Florian Picasso (Vietnam/France), Justin OH (South Korea), MYRNE (Singapore), Raiden (South Korea), Riddler (USA), yetep (USA), and XCRPT (USA). 

Who Wants a House Party?

I don’t know about you, but I’ve definitely been raging every weekend in my living room. HOUSE PARTAY TIME! The House Party event is also raising money for charity. But the best and most unique part about this event?? If you are one of the first 500 to get involved, you will join an interactive clubbing experience! The first 500 people will appear together on the screen and interact with one another!!! 

Say what?? How cool is that? Seriously, super awesome! 

But if you don’t make the cut, you can still tune into the livestream and help with relief efforts! Donations can be made via gofundme.com/f/pacha-house-party-for-red-cross-ibiza
Also, the original set times are in Spain’s timezone. I decided to help you all out and I listed them as Eastern Standard Time. These will take place LATE Friday night/Saturday morning!!! Can anyone say AFTERPARTY?

12 am- Mr Doris
1 am- Sebastian Gamboa
2 am- Felix Da Housecat
3 am- Housekeeping
4 am- Claptone
5 am- Pete Tong
6 am- Bedouin

Who Wants Some Room Service?

No forreal, I’ll take that Doordash room service anytime now. This Room Service festival is out to serve all your needs! This is another festy raising money for charity. This time, Trap Nation & Chill Nation are teaming up to raise money for Feeding America! Can I just say, I am SO proud and excited to be a part of this community!

What Streams Are You Checking Out?

There is sooooo much to do this weekend! Thankfully, we can all jam out together. While I have always thought concerts and festivals were magical, I now can appreciate them so much more! What streams are you checking out this weekend? Don’t forget to check the entire list HERE. And don’t forget to pretend this is the real festival experience! Groove your way to the portapotties. Grab a snack or a drink from the food trucks or beer tents. And don’t lose your friends! Much love, guys!

Don’t forget to follow The Festival Voice for all of your electronic music and festival news!

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