TFV Presents: Gaspar Benegas and the L.A. Argentinians!

So we’ve got Gaspar Benegas, Marcos Sotelo, and James Hazley from Gaspar Benegas and the L.A. Argentinians! We were able to sit down and interview them this past weekend at Solshine Reverie. Check out the full interview HERE!

S: Hey, it’s Savannah with The Festival Voice and I am here at Solshine Reverie LIVE with Gaspar Benegas and the L.A. Argentinians. So first off, you guys play at 6:30, which is in about an hour from now, give or take. What are you guys most excited for?

Gaspar Benegas: Well, it is our first time at Summer Camp and it’s great to be here.

Marcos Sotelo: We are happy and we’re excited to be playing the festival for the first time. First time for us playing a festival. So we are really enjoying this.

James Hazley: Any festival, right?

S: That’s awesome. So are you guys here for the whole weekend, just for today, or are you checking it out?

Marcos Sotelo: Yeah, we’re actually playing today and we’re playing tomorrow at the VIP tent.

S: Yeah, I do think I saw that on the schedule. That is awesome. So you guys are hanging around all weekend! That’s awesome!

Marcos: Yeah and we’re here for Monday too!

S: You’re here for Monday too, that is awesome!

Marcos: Yes, we’re here for the whole weekend. Gaspar Benegas and the L.A. Argentinians are here to stay.

S: So you’re out enjoying sets while you are here too?

All: Yep!

S: What is your favorite thing you’ve seen so far at the festival?

Marcos: Yes, yes, I was too anxious. I wanted to come check out the place before I play today because I was just so excited to come and play. And it’s exciting. The campsites are intersected with the stages, which is pretty cool. And the stages are pretty cool, so yeah this is great. I told the guys, “Hey yeah, this is really cool. You’re going to freak out when you see it tomorrow.”

S: So where are you guys actually from?

Gaspar: They’re from LA and I’m from Argentina.

Marcos: I’m kind of like the glue because I’m Argentinian too and James is American and we both live in LA so I’m kind of like the in between guy.

S: Perfect, perfect. So you said this is your first festival? What is up next for you guys?

Marcos: We’re just taking it as it comes. Gaspar came here for the first time to play with me in 2018. And then after that, we came back and we started this thing in 2021. Last year, we did a 10 city run and that’s where we met Ian, the guy in charge of the festival and we got invited to come play here- so who knows what is next.

S: So awesome, are you guys working on any music? What’s going on with that?

James: Yeah, yeah, we are working on some originals with technology these days it’s easier than ever to record because Gaspar is in Buenos Aires and we’re in LA but with computers, it’s such a small world. It’s like he’s just down the block. You know, we’re working on some new music.

S: That’s really interesting, you know I hadn’t even thought about the fact that you guys were living apart. So you guys rely on technology a lot, so can you tell us a little more about that, how that works?

Marcos: Yeah, well Gaspar plays in the biggest rock band in Argentina, Los Fundamentalistas Del Aire Acondicionado. He’s going to be playing for 50,000 people in just two weeks or so, so he’s busy. But we’re chatting every day, trying to figure things out. And James and I, we’re together in LA so we get together, work on things, send it to him. We’re in constant contact.

S: That is awesome!

James: Through the magic of What’s App.

S: Oh, through the magic of What’s App! So I know you guys have a set, in like an hour. And I didn’t want to keep you more than 5-10 minutes, but do you have anything else that you want to share before you get ready for your set?

Gaspar: No.

S: Awesome, thank you so much! I’m looking forward to checking out your set!