Yet to Plan Your European Summer? Check out DGTL Music Festival!
DGTL Music Festival, seeking inclusivity first and headliners second, is coming to their home in Amsterdam this April for three days, the 18th – 20th. Friday the 18th will be a night show followed by the two main days of the festival with the lineup below.
Things to Keep in Mind for DGTL Festival
First, DGTL makes it a key practice to oblige by consent and keep the dancefloor safe for everyone; check out their house rules!
Some ways DGTL is being inclusive for festival attendees are through:
- Gluten-free food access in the venue
- Music filter earplugs for purchase in the venue
- No cigarette purchases in the venue
- Awareness Crew (similar to Ground Control for American festivals) on site for ease of mind
- Consent culture
- Social & collective responsibility ethics to: If you see something, say something.
- ADA accessible stages
- Caring about CO2 Emissions
- No single use items allowed in: plastic water bottles, balloons, flags, etc.
- Free water by all restrooms stations
DGTL Music Festival Amsterdam Lineup

Beginning in Amsterdam in 2013, DGTL has grown with a foundation set on its record label, DGTL Records. All of the DGTL Music Festivals, Amsterdam, Guadalajara, Santiago, Sao Paulo, and Bangalore, are focused on making their festivals more about the local communities of artists to fill their lineups rather than pushing for solely big names, but that does not mean they stray away from them.
Visuals and Designs

One thing made very apparent within the art section of the website for DGTL is their desire to make their art just as important as the music.
DGTL aims to be inclusive in their art for everyone and partnering with the local museums does just that.
“This initiative embodies a crucial message that we share together with ABN AMRO and the Stedelijk Museum, as we are all committed to promoting equal opportunities in the arts and culture sector” (DGTL, 2024).
(Credit: )

The loud recognition that DGTL Music Festival makes on their website about Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is highly applaudable as they seek to make diverse lineups of artists that the community of listeners and attendees can identify with. Connection in the EDM community is one thing that makes it unique compared to other festivals that you can attend, and DGTL in “Accelerate The Future Of Creatives” makes that very apparent.
Personal Perspective
I am planning a trip to Amsterdam as a California native this April. Not only am I eager to see a new way of living in the day-to-day culture, but EDM music has also permanently changed and shaped my life. Seeing the inclusivity that DGTL seeks to make and keep at its forefront is refreshing from the typical standards of EDM festivals here in America that I am so over.
One thing in the American EDM culture that many ravers have noticed is most lineups are still making white, heterosexual men the headliners, and most Americans do not say anything or fight it. Taking a step into another country’s dance culture could be refreshing, especially if your political views do not align with the current inauguration.
I love that when I view the DGTL Music Festival website, I can see how much their desire to represent those in attendance is in their lineup, in their art, and their message to the world. I highly respect their morals, so I will be SUPPORTING their views here in California and seeking to make this change in my local EDM scene.
When I do attend the DGTL Music Festival, I will be sure to give a detailed review and plenty of insights into how DGTL is doing it right!
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