Ace Aura Begins The Comatose Awakening

Ace Aura serves up melodic riddim in his new EP ‘Comatose: Awakening’ The comatose awakening begins. In 2020 melodic riddim pioneer Ace Aura made his mark on Circus Records with the momentous ‘Comatose’ EP, now it’s time for us all…to awaken.      Since the original release, Ace Aura has recruited the great and the good…

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Livestreams This Weekend- Stay Home and RAGE

What Livestreams are You Checking Out This Weekend? Sanitized hands up everyone! This weekend has so much going on that no matter what genre you like, you’ll find something to check out! I know of several livestreams going on tomorrow but I’m sure there are tons of others. The Festival Voice wants to keep you…

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