The Plot Thickens.. Part 2 of Dreamtheory’s Interview

Recently, we interviewed the legendary Dreamtheory. You can check out the transcript of the first part HERE. The video is located HERE. Now, we’re proud to present part 2 of this amazing artist’s story. You won’t believe all the plot twists and turns in this one! Here’s a link to the video HERE. Or- you can watch the video right here in this article!


**Warning- explicit content**

So back to Nick, he’s telling his story about how he became an artist! Watch the plot thicken right here!


Nick: I was living in my car for maybe about a month or two. Whenever I first got here, the first idea I had was to join a band because I was in like five separate bands by the time I left Texas. Which kind of sucks because I left every single one of those bands without even telling them. Like where the fuck is Nick at? 


But that’s kind of all I knew before I left. I thought, maybe now that I’m here I’ll go find a band, like figure something out. And I brought my drum set with me from Texas. I hauled it in my SUV over here. 


I went and found some random band on Craigslist because that’s just how you usually do it back then, I guess. So I found some band and they wanted to interview me or do an audition. 


So I auditioned for the band but at that audition the bass guitar player’s coworker, her name is Laura and her daughter, whose name is Savannah to go watch my audition because Savannah played guitar and so she wanted her to go watch to get the experience to see what that’s like in case she ever wanted to do this in the future.


So they were there and they saw me audition. They came up to me afterward and said, “Hey, you did so great man, I really like how you played.”


So I was like, “Oh man, I really appreciate it.” We swapped numbers, that sort of stuff. 


So I got in the band and later on we were like, “Hey, we don’t have a practice space, so what do we do?” And so the bass player called up Laura again and said, “Hey, can we go to your place because we don’t have a space to practice tonight.”


So she says, “ Sure, yeah, come over, do it on my porch.”


So we practiced there on her porch and after we’re all done Laura came up to me and said, “Hey, we’re making burgers for dinner. Do you want to stay and hangout?”


And I was not really suspicious but I was like, Hey, random people I’ve never met before. She seemed super nice and I’ll go in, whatever, I could definitely use some hamburgers because I had been eating fucking trail mix and peanut butter and jelly out of the can for a while. I had like no money.


I decided to go in and we just hung out and had dinner. It was super nice. I forget if Richard was there. I don’t think he was. Richard is Laura’s husband. So it’s Richard, Laura, and Savannah in that house. It might have been just Laura and Savannah.


They had a pool table so we were playing pool, having fun, stuff like that. So eventually, we got down to their living room and Laura started asking me some questions like: “Where you living at? What’s your living situation?” That kind of stuff.


And I was like, “Oh shit. I’ve got to tell them that I’m freaking homeless and shit!” I could have lied and been said, “I’m living around with my family.” But something in me said, “Nah, I should just tell her.”


So I told her that I had just moved here and didn’t tell anybody and that I had kind of just run away from home. I’m living in my car, that sort of stuff. I told her the whole story. And she sat there, in her recliner, for a solid minute. She didn’t say anything. And then she was like, “So, when are you moving into our RV that’s outside?”


And I was like, “Oh shit, yes!”

She had an RV outside and she let me sleep there for a couple of weeks before she was like, “Okay, obviously, you’re not a serial killer, so that’s good. We have a spare bedroom in our house. You can come in and stay with us until you get back on your feet.”


And I stayed with them for like two or three years after that. I became part of their family.  


That’s crazy to think because that kind of shit just doesn’t happen. You don’t just randomly leave home. I don’t know anybody here in Nashville and you just meet these people.


It was pretty weird. She let me in their house and let me be part of their family while I was figuring out music production until I got that under control and to figure out what I wanted to do. That time period was where I was really like, Alright, being in a band is cool and I love to do that. I love to play drums, be a part of something bigger, but something in me was like, I want to do this for myself and be my own thing and do my own stuff.  That’s where I really got into music production. 


Thank God I was able to do that in a household where I had time to do that instead of me having to worry about how in the hell I was going to get money for food. That was great.


So a couple of years later, I decided to go and get my own place with some roommates and that’s where I’m at now. But yeah, there it is, my life story.


S: I’m glad you told me that, that’s really neat to know. That definitely shapes who you are as an artist and a person.


N: Exactly.


9) Tell us a little bit about your family. Did you have any brothers or sisters growing up? Did your family support your choice to become a musician?


N: It’s just the four of us, so Mom, Dad, me, and a brother. My parents would love for me to be a lawyer or a doctor, have a job with benefits, stuff like that.  Every parent wants that for their kid. My mom finally understood after a little bit that this is what Nick really wants to do. Parents, most of all, just want you to be happy. She became super supportive of me and I love her for that. Both of my parents are really supportive. 


They still, every now and then, say, “Nick, are you sure you don’t want to do some certificate online, get a job with some benefits?”


Like, yeah mom, maybe, I don’t know.


But I think they understand that this is a lifelong thing. I’m going to be chasing this dream of mine for as long as I’m alive. It’s just how it’s going to be. They understand that and they’re super supportive, like thank God! There’s some people that I meet and they hate that their kid is trying to do some crazy stuff, like trying to go after a pipe dream. I’ve got some cool parents.

10) Let’s talk about your childhood for a second. What is your fondest memory from your childhood, and what is one of the most crazy, exciting memory you have?


N: Damn, the first one isn’t music related. I was playing soccer and I had to be like seven or something like that, like really young. My mom put me on a random soccer team. I remember being the goalie. I don’t know why, but I loved being the goalie on the soccer team. 


The ball headed towards me and I decided to kick it as far as I fucking can. So I kicked the shit out of it and it went all the way into the other goal on the opposite side of the field. And I was freaking out! 


Cause everyone was running towards the ball, trying to stop it, but they couldn’t catch it. The coolest shit ever.


The other one, I wasn’t so fond of it but a formative experience. My mom had me do piano lessons. I was probably a bit younger than that soccer thing. I was probably five. 


I had to play Wheels on the Bus in front of a crowd of parents. I was morbidly scared. 


I played it and went back to my mom, I was freaking out, almost crying. I was freaking out the whole time. I was like damn, that was crazy. 


I look back on it now and think damn, that was probably one of the experiences that made me want to perform or do stuff as a musician. I don’t know, you live and you learn. 


11) You’ve kind of already talked about this so let’s see what you have to add. Tell us a little bit about your past, and what brought you this point in your life. Were there any life-defining moments or people that majorly impacted who you are as a person and as a musician?


N: Back to my mom. In the sixth grade, I wanted to be in the school band. I wanted to play Clarinet because that was basically the only instrument that I knew because Squidward played it on Spongebob. That’s literally it. I wanted to play Clarinet because of Squidward.


But my mom was like, “No, you should try out for percussion where they hit drums and stuff like that. I think you’d like that more.”


And I was like, “No mom, I really don’t want to do that.” And so I auditioned for it and they wanted me for the percussion section. All throughout middle school and high school, I did percussion. That was my thing. I freaking love to do that. 


If my mom hadn’t been like, “Hey, you should try out for percussion instead,” I don’t know where I’d be. I don’t even know if I would be doing music right now. I’ve noticed like half the producers I know right now- they all play drums. I have no idea why that is. We just gravitate towards music production, I guess. 


That’s probably one of the more formative events that happened that made me want to be a producer and pursue music. In middle school, everyone used to think, “Damn, Nick’s pretty good, let’s see what he does.” So I kept going with that momentum and began to do all this other music stuff. 


S: That’s awesome. It’s crazy how just one moment can change everything.


N: Just one thing, man. 

12) So you said that you’re originally from Texas, but you’re currently living in Nashville. What was it like growing up there?


N: It was cool, I guess. It was hot. It’s still kind of hot here in Tennessee but Texas’ heat is a little bit different. I just don’t like the warm weather. I’d rather be in Colorado, or something like that, where it’s a little bit cooler. Even too much cold, like we’ve been- has it been super freaking cold recently, you’re in Iowa, right?


S: Yeah, it’s been negative almost every day until Wednesday, I think, was the first day it hit 10 degrees and we were like, “HEAT WAVE!” 


N: Negative? Damn. I think in Texas, my mom was messaging me saying we’re at 0 degrees, and I was freaking out because that just doesn’t happen. That’s like.. too cold if you know what I mean. I would love to live somewhere where it doesn’t matter what season it is, it’s just fine. You’re just chilling no matter what.


No, Texas was really hot but it was really cool. There’s a lot of people that kept trying to get Texas to secede, which I had no idea why, I mean like whatever I guess. There’s a lot of big pick up trucks


13) Are there any cool local spots that we should check out, either in Texas or in Nashville? I know you mentioned Cobra.


N: The Cobra, yeah. I’d say the Cobra here in Nashville. There’s honestly not too many spots in New Braunfels. I wasn’t even into electronic music when I was in New Braunfels, back when I lived in Texas. But recently, it hyped me the fuck up because somebody did a- damn, I don’t know if it was company or I don’t know who it was but they did a show in my hometown. They did a show at a drive in movie theater and it never clicked for me in New Braunfels, but at the drive in because, you know COVID. But damn, that’s like 15 minutes from where I lived. I think it was Stars and Stripes Drive in or something like that. 


Maybe they’ll keep doing more if COVID keeps going on. 


Here in Nashville, there used to be some shows at a place called The Back Corner, but even pre-COVID, they haven’t been doing much. They did this thing where they raised the bar minimum so some DJs couldn’t go and play there. Like you would have to be Drake to meet the bar minimum- that kind of stuff. I don’t know what’s going on there.


But if they started doing stuff again, that would be a cool venue to go play at or go watch stuff. 


Can’t wait for more of the Dreamtheory plot? We’ve got part 3 ready to be released for you next Tuesday at 12 MST! 


Need to review the plot of part 1? Check that out HERE!

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