Magic in the Sky: A Festival Voice Experience

Setting up and working on a show is a new experience for me. For the entirety of my festival experiences, I’ve always been the guest, not the host. So when I volunteered to help out with Magic in the Sky, I didn’t know exactly what to expect. Luckily, I worked with some amazing people, and…

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The Full Lineup of Magic in The Sky is Out!

Have you heard about our show yet? Magic in the Sky is less than one week away! Are you ready to dance with all of the fam at the first show we are hosting? You can check out the Facebook event HERE or our other posts on the subject HERE!! We’re happy to unveil our complete lineup!!!…

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The Sad Boys Have Changed My Life

The Sad Boys If you have been a part of the EDM community for the last couple of years, then you will know of the group of artists known collectively as “the sad boys”. They are a collection of artists whose music heavily covers themes of love, heartbreak, moving on with life, and personal tragedy.…

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